Six Limericks Written on an iPhone
In big data we trust

Said a tech lord atop Mountain View
We bright folks are sadly too few!
Though the rabble outbreed us
We’ll ensure that they need us
By addicting them to all things new.
That Silicon Valley creative
Grew up as a digital native
The past he mistrusted
His work turned disruptive
And his culture was left vegetative.
That native from Silicon Valley
Naive like the culture of Cali,
Assumed data was wisdom,
And the body a prison
So he founded a cyber blind alley.
A programmer too thinly spread
Chose to narrow his problem instead
Yes to step-by-step turns
No to options to learn
Why a human should get out of bed.
A smug prince of virtual space
Struck it rich speeding up the rat race
But our social aggression
And high rates of depression
Are the cost to a people debased.
A rich man alone with a cat
Proclaimed all faith false where he sat
Yet with trust in big data
He’ll upload his mind later
Seeking eternal life in a vat.
Theodore Venables
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